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Biotech tropicana Systems


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Experience Learning  PAGE.

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Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

Biotech tropicana Systems


 Learning from the Biotech tropicana Systems experiences working in developing countries.


Experiences 1: Coping with policy based interactions.

Many developing countries institutions have serious difficulties keeping pace with regulations even where agree upon in advance. The ‘backward processing policy 25, and the ‘three months processing policy 29’ were proven extremely challenging for developing world institutions to keep pace with.

The backward processing policy 25 strictly forbids backward file processing. To secure sustainability of the many and complex programs running in parallel, a file of the Biotech tropicana Systems MUST sustain its position (o point) or move forward (+1 point). A file of the  Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT be processed backward (-1 point) under no circumstance. A file that cannot be continued positively SHALL be closed and transfer to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.

The reopening of closed file policy 16 permits re-opening of closed files under change circumstances favourable to the advancement of the file standard. The reopened file must i) be able to sustain itself, ii) align with ongoing files, and iii) promote the advancement of the system as a whole, to meet the favourable circumstance standard.

The three months processing policy 29, strictly limits file processing time to three months; particularly for files awaiting a response from a foreign institution.  When no response is received with 90 days, the fie SHALL be closed as VOID  under policy 29)g. Any action on the file after the 90 days SHALL be invalid and not applicable in the Biotech tropicana Systems.



DCs have difficulties keeping pace with rules. Always secure interests in advance where possible. Overweigh investment against potential lost due to rule violation before signing binding contracts.


Experience 2: Blood rights, Soil rights

Citizens of equal blood rights and soil rights may attempt to violate your rights when they can and if you permit that. Attempts to violate often originate from people in position of political power who may attempt to use baseless political influences to circumvent basic rights of fellow citizens of equal rights.


 Watch out. Do not permit them to violate the smallest  piece of your rights. If you permit once, they will ask for more. When they insist then you have no choice than to prepare for war; a war to death. Then it’s kill or be killed.  Activate in full scale all the applicable security system.


Experience 3: Attack on PC 6

(Early October. 2016)

PC was attacked through an unauthorized networking, likely peer to peer (P2P). Previous experiences demonstrated convincingly that PC 6 was networked before sale.

Likely issue:

Page format was modified and link to modification was inactivated; thereby preventing further re-modification.

Likely solutions:

Even where the easier peer to peer networking is the likely type of networking applied on PC 6, other types of networking may be applied in parallel.  Therefore PC 6 must undergo a thorough diagnostic, and eventually internally fragmented and re-build.  

Lost to Company;

Nil (zero).


The Biotech tropicana Systems computer security protocols contain preventive security rules to avoid any lost to company in such circumstances. For previous Knowledge of unauthorized networking of PC, all data in PC are limited to opened data originating from open sources. All data process in PC 6 are to be released back to the open source medium.

Copying through networking is therefore of null effect on the interests of the company.  PC 6 contains no confidential data eligible for classification as business secret.


Always ensure that members, trainees, and staff are knowledgeable of the Biotech tropicana Systems computer security policy, as part of their training program.

Policy 12. Biotech tropicana Systems.



Context 1: Implementation Project

Finished product technologies are purchased to implement a project for some predefined targeted results. Typically in developing countries project is owned by government and funded by cooperation systems. Implementation funds may be stolen in part or in whole; quick and easy cash for personal involved.


Finished technology product

Project ownership: PUBLIC.


Context 2: Development Project

Project technology is incubated and nurtured toward finished product technology. Typically long incubation period, five to ten years. Project is owned and funded by developer. Developing word personal is misled by word ‘project’ that means quick and easy cash like in context 1. Developer may be subject to unnecessary harassments, by ignorance. Here, project t consumed more cash than it produces. There is o cash to steal.   


Unfinished products.

Project ownership: PRIVATE.


Context 3: Competition

Competitor typically in a developed country will engage in de-capitalization activities to hinder competing technology development in developing countries. Fund may be diverted from tech developer capable of producing competing techs to non developer such as illiterate not capable of producing competing techs. The result is that no tech is made in the developing country to compete with the developed country producer for developing world market.


Developed country competitor may operate with both public or private sector allies to achieve tech de-capitalization objectives. It ‘s easy and quick cash for the developing world ally who is disregardful of the development losses for his developing country.



.context 1 is a typical Biotech tropicana Systems P1 model (government-cooperation) that operates in Africa  since the 1960s> . In the early 2000s the model was criticized for consuming huge amount of development aid fund in the order of trillions during a half of a century, to produce negative development gains. At the dawn of the new millennium, new development models were proposed, the United  Nations millennium project and the United States  millennium challenge account.  The argument of the critics of the P1 model can summarized as P1 model equal big cash low knowledge versus the new millennium models equal low cash high knowledge: a shift to knowledge economy. The knowledge economy models produces more positive development gains in a decade than the old P1 model in a half a century.  

Partisans of the old P1 model will resist the losses in power and privileges resulting into a confrontation of development models expressed in a new type of war fought inline by sex warriors. It’s cash, sex, and white gun in a new type of world war.

The Biotech tropicana Systems will innovate a new proprietary P2 model designed to accommodate both the old P1 model and the new millennium models.  The P2 m6de3 will operate in the private sector aligned with the diaspora academics.: a private sector led development  model driven by knowledge.

Competition: de-capitalization

De-caapitalization  is a tech market competition tactic  known only to Europeans.  The tactic consists of shifting the capital from able tech producers to non able resulting in no production of new techs to compete., to clear the market for low competitive products: a dirty competition practice.  

        Tech mafia:

They are network of alliances of interest groups that may operate across continents, to push the interest of the mafia group, often out of the scope of laws and regulations. Within a country they spread in all segments of society. You can get a community in the remotest slums in a developing country operating for a mafia network coordinated from a high tech big city of a developed country. The slum community contributes in crimes aligned with the interests of the interest groups, such as destructions of the operating capacity of competing groups.

LESSONS 4: Pattern recognition

Learn to recognize patterns characteristic to friendly, non friendly and misleading friends. Recogmizing friendly can help expand your business network. Recognizing non friendly can help improve your security system, and protect your members and properties.. Misleading friend appears friendly to mislead away from good, and direct you toward bad.


Learning from experiences-5


Circling is a sere of tactics designed to turn around developing countries into a circle of aid dependency and destruction of long term sustainable development pillars. The tactics consist of diverting development fund to the benefits of a small circle of privileges against the majority that holds the development potentials. The small circle accumulates wealth without merit by killing the development potential of the majority. The result is a circle of chronic dependency and inability to emerge.

The practice may be used in dirty competition in the private sector to incapacitate a private company: and the Biotech tropicana Systems recognized and defeated numerous trap attempts into a circling process.

The mathematic of circling is straightforward. The loss of the large majority is far more superior to the inappropriate gain of the small minority of privileges, resulting in overall negative development gains for the community. If community leaders can manage to get the additional resources without impeding on key development pillars, then there is a positive gain for the community. It is unlikely that the additional donor will donate under these circumstances. Therefore community leaders approved the taking of the additional fund at the expense of the development interest of the community against the benefits of the majority; then in overall balance, it’s a loss for the community, not a gain.    


Learn to recognize circling and avoid them. Circling will often come with easy gains proposals. 


Experience 6: E-mail attack: Local or International ?

The Biotech tropicana Systems experience difficulties in registering for common and simple protocols free e-mails. Registration is controlled by server, that have international location. A server that operates free-email locally is not known to the Biotech tropicana Systems. This suggests that web services make free to all discriminatory exclude the Biotech tropicana Systems. Exclusion must be controlled by server manager. A reasonable explanation is dirty competition interest groups having control on server.


Seek for similar capacity in non discriminatory areas on the world wide web.


Server owner has the right to exclude any user from using a proprietary server. It doens’t matter why. It’s their server and they can exclude anyone for any reason. The ultimate solution to build own capacity to free the company from dependency on others.


Experience 7: Site Attack


Display button inactivated in the publisher sub menu of the communicator incubation site.

Status: Under Investigation.


New page under the publisher sub menu functions properly. However, a new page of the Book Stores failed to display. It appears the Book Stores are being specifically targeted. The Book Stores are a pillar of sustainability of the Biotech tropicana Systems because of its level of development and current market value; therefore a potential target for enemies who may intent to destabilize the system, as a whole. However, the Book Store is designed to overcome similar challenges.


Investigation in progress.

Minor technical issue may be addressed by support.


Experience 8: the mystic 17 number



To investigate any linkage between a mystic “17” number and the chance of success of the Biotech tropicana Systems in the global biotech market and the global knowledge societies.



  1. mystic “17” number linked to an account of a unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems is limiting the ability of the unit to compete for grants. bility to compete is of great value to the Biotech tropicana Systems, a knowledge driven economy. Competing for grants is not only a potential source of knowledge driven fund but also a venue for accessing the standing of the company in the global knowledge societies. Time and resources invested in a competition for grant always come out with a reward: either a knowledge driven research fund or a report explaining the weaknesses of the competing party with advice on strategies for improvement. The competing party has an opportunity to correct the weaknesses, improve its standing in knowledge societies and re-compete. Competition is arbitrated by experts and authorities in the field. Therefore, excluding a company from competing, is a barrier to the company’s emancipation within that knowledge society compared to other companies similarly situated who are permitted to compete.

On or about March 2017, the Biotech tropicana Systems initiated the incorporation of another unit. In the process the incorporation protocol was modified to include an account that comports the mystic “17” number. The issue falls squarely within the “LEARNING BY EXPERIENCE PROGRAM” of the Biotech tropicana Systems.



  1. The mystic “17” number in account 1 owned by the Biotech tropicana Systems may be linked to the mystic ”17” number in account 2 owned by incorporating state and added to incorporation guidelines as part of an incorporation protocol modification.
  2. The mystic number “17” in account 1 and account 2 may not be linked and the appearance of the same number in both accounts may be the result of hazard.


Reasoning with images:







17 and Account




Account and 17



  1. “17” in (1) IS linked to “17” in (2)
  2. “17” in (1) IS NOT linked to “17” in (2)



  1. Account 1: owned by BTS

According to account manager account 1 is good and valid. To maintain active account must be updated once every year. Manager of account 1 is having technical difficulties to update account 1 because of a number containing the mystic “17” that is managed by another server.

  1. Account 2: owned by state

Account 2 was not included in the incorporation guidelines used to incorporate unit 1, owner of account 1. Incorporation protocol of unit 2 was developed based on old guidelines without the state owned account containing the mystic “17” number. BTS must therefore develop a new incorporation protocol that takes the state owned new account with the mystic “17” into consideration.



How to develop a new incorporation protocol that complies with the new incorporation guidelines set forth by the state, without undermining the interests of the Biotech tropicana Systems to compete in the world global knowledge societies?



Venues are under exploration. A number of potentially successful venues were identified by the Biotech tropicana Systems and are being tested for advantages and drawbacks.



Incubation of the Biotech tropicana Systems incubator was initiated since 2000. Some 100 systems are under incubation un the Biotech tropicana Systems incubator justifying the time and resources allocated to the unit to insure its maturity before incorporation.


The major challenge in the incorporation process is whether the incorporating authority will permit the incorporation of the unit within its jurisdiction. This challenge is overcome. The authority acts properly, registered all submitted documents in accordance with applicable laws and regulation, and assign a registration number on the file ; a major victory for the Biotech tropicana Systems. Registration of the constitution in court was also successful; a step that is not part of the incorporation guidelines set by the state but a requirement of internal regulations of the Biotech tropicama Systems. The major challenge is overcome.



  1. The state is responsible in protecting the interests of the state as required by applicable laws and regulations. In this process, the state acts properly.
  2. The company is responsible to comply with the guidelines set forth by the state and the protection of the interests of the company.



For the biotech tropicana Systems the current outcome of the process is SATISFACTORY. From the date of registration of the file Biotech tropicana Systems officially exits in the records of the state. Furthermore, the incorporation guidelines give the applicant sufficient time gather all required documents required to comply with the guidelines set forth by the authority. The Biotech tropicana Systems are proceeding within the condition framework set forth by the state. Consistent with the condition framework set forth by the state, it is the responsibility of company owners to take all appropriate measures to;

  1. Comply with the guidelines set forth by the state
  2. Protect the interests of the company.



  1. The guidelines set forth by the authority clearly permit
  2. The ability to compete within the world’s global knowledge societies is of extreme importance to the Biotech tropicana Systems, a knowledge driven economy

The Biotech tropicana Systems DECIDE;

It may take 17 days, or 17 weeks, or 17 months, or another 17 years to ensure that the Biotech tropicana Systems complied with the guidelines set forth by the authority while protecting its interests to compete in the world’s global knowledge societies.



In a unit incorporation process:

  1. ALWAYS Take all necessary time to thoroughly study incorporation guidelines set forth by the authority.
  2. Identify clearly the RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATE
  4. NEVER violate a single point of an incorporation protocol set forth by the state.

APPLY all your company management skills to advance the interests of the company while fully complying with the guidelines set forth by the authority.


Experience 8: Systematic Attack on the computer network of the Biotech tropican Systems:


  1. Attack on the personal computer of the fundder. The computer is networked, sdisplay is altered, display contras and word size is made small: making text not readable on the screen of the PC>
  2. All other nodes of the computer network of the Biotech tropicana Systems have been stolen or destroyed..
  3. The Biotech tropicana Systems computer repaired tools have eebn destroyed
  4. No external repair center will repair the broken computers in the city , or in other cities.


Evidences clearly indicate the Biotech tropicana Systems are being systematically attacked. The scope of the attack and the refusal of external computer repair centre to collaborate suggest that the Biotech tropicana Systems are being attacked by the state and/or other state authorized foreign groups.


Why is the state attacking a company authorized bt the state?

Hypothetical answers:

  1. The governemt that authorized activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems in Benin republic did never attack the system. The attacks atarted with the end of mandates of the authorizing government and the beginning of mandate of succeeding government. The attacks become violent, extremely aggressive, and very destructive with the beginning of mandate of the new departure government.
  2. Either th preceding government and the new deaparture government are conspiring to attack the Biotech tropicana Systems, OR the new departure government authorizes foreign groups to attack the Biotech tropicana Systems for some gains.


The Assemble Nationale (parliament) of venin republic recently rejected proposed amendments to the constitution submitted by the new departure government. The parliament further recently enacted a set of laws to protect and advance the private sector Making the business environment more friendly in Benin republic.



  1. The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL pursue its activities in Benin republic consistent with applicable policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems and applicable country laws and regulations.


Investigations and solution venues prospect in progress.


Lesson 9:

Learning by Experience :

Partnerships, Collaborations, and the Biotech tropicana Systems Policy Guidelines.

File processing in the Biotech tropicana Systems is subject to strict guidelines. In partnerships and collaborations compliance with two policies have been challenging for partners and collaborators in both developed and developing countries:

  1. Deadline policy 29)g, and
  2. Backward processing policy 25.

As a general rule, a policy of the Biotech tropicana Systems is not negotiable under no circumstance.


  1. Policy 29)g: deadline

In numerous file processing cases, partners have demonstrated difficulties in complying with the deadline policy 29)g, by replying after the no negotiable 90 days response deadline. This challenge may be overcome by submission of a new application as stated in policy 29. Policy 29)g applies even where late processing would be advantageous to the Biotech tropicana Systems.


  1. Policy 25: backward processing

A file of the Biotech tropicana Systems x cannot be processes backward under no circumstance. A file shall sustain its current status or move forward. A file that cannot sustain its position shall be closed and transferred to the biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving. Policy 25 applies even where processing backward would be advantageous to the Biotech tropicana Systems. An issue raised backward may be considered where the issue meets the re-opening of closed files standard (policy 16); here a new file is opened to address. The old file remained closed.





Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (2016-09-15)
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