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Biotech tropicana Journal Perspectives ___________________________________________________________________________ Alternative Technology: A Definition Perspective Aboubakar YARI1*; and Venus YARI 1. Biotech tropicana, Inc, Parakou, Benin *Corresponding Author: Aboubakar YARI, Bioteh tropicana, Inc, Po Box 614, Parakou, Benin Republic, e-mail: ________________________ Citation: Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI, Alternative Technology: A Definition Perspective. Biotech tropicana Journal. (2009), 1(1):7-11 ________________________ Keywords: Definition; Alternative Technology; Appropriate Technology; Platform Technology; Abstract: A survey of the literature indicates that there is a significant overlap over the terms alternative technology, appropriate technology and, platform technology. Here we review and discuss the literature for the three terms, and propose a definition of alternative technology, as we mean it, at Biotech tropicana, Inc. Background: According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, a strict definition of the term "technology” is elusive. Wikipedia defines technology as follow: "Technology is a broad concept that deals with human as well as other animal species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek technología (τεχνολογία) — téchnē (τέχνη), 'craft' and -logía (-λογία), the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline. However, a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology".” [1] Alternatives are objects or actions, where the choice of one excludes choosing the other. [2] BusinessDictionary defines alternative technology as manufacturing or production methods that are less polluting and more resource efficient than the traditional methods. [3] We first consider the definitions of the terms alternative, appropriate and platform technology as proposed by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. We then discuss the three terms in relation to our work at Biotech tropicana, Inc, and propose our definition of alternative technology. According to Wikipedia, The term alternative technology was coined in the 1970s by Peter Harper, one of the founders of the Centre for Alternative Technology, in North Wales, United Kingdom. [4] The term appropriate technology came into some prominence during the 1973 energy crisis and the environmental movement of the 1970s. The term is typically used in two arenas: utilizing the most effective technology to address the needs of developing areas, and using socially and environmentally acceptable technologies in industrialized nations. [5] Platform technology is a term used for technology that enables the creation of products and processes that support present or future development. It establishes the long-term capabilities of research & development institutes. [6] In the modern world appropriate technology is supposed to commence from Mohandas Gandhiwho advocated small, local, mostly village-based technology to help India's villages become self reliant and thus aid in the freedom struggle against British and wealthy Indians. [5] Gandhi's philosophies on technology were contrary to the belief that technological development was inherently synonymous with progress. He believed the powers of technology should be produced and used artfully and the benefits should be close to the individual and widely produced and distributed in a decentralized fashion. Gandhi claimed that his favorite technologies were the sewing machine, because it was invented out of love, and the bicycle, because it kept one's feet close to the ground. He felt that the paradigmof technology should not be one that disenfranchises people and be used in the pursuit of violence, rather, it should be used in a way that empowers people broadly. Integrated with the movement for self-rule, which was based on local economies, Gandhi championed the spinning wheel, or charka, employed in the khadimovement in the 1920s, which produced cloth locally in an act of civil disobedienceof the imperial system, causing the British monopoly on textiles to collapse. However, in the movement for Swaraj, or home rule, Gandhi believed in a total revolution of production, saying that "It is not about getting rid of the tiger and keeping the tiger's nature". Having said "it is better for a machine to be idle than a man to be idle", Gandhi rejected the factory model of industrialization, which valued production over the worker. He raised money to offer a reward for someone to invent a spinning wheel that could employ people in the same way, while producing more thread. [5] Germany’s E. F. Schumacherwho was very strongly influenced by Gandhi's philosophy took his village development further and coined "intermediate technology" in early 1970s. It is Schumacher through his book "Small is Beautiful” and later by creating the Intermediate Technology Development Groupthat really started the appropriate technology movement. Some of the well-known practitioners of the appropriate technology-sector include: M K Ghosh, Chaman Lal Gupta, Sen Kapadia, B.V. Doshi, Buckminster Fuller, William Moyer(1933–2002), Satish Kumar(1936–present), Anil K. Rajvanshi, Amy B. Smith, Amory Lovins, Sanoussi Diakité, Victor Papanek, Johan Van Lengen, Arne Næss(1912–present), Aboubakar YARI (1967-present) and Venus YARI (2001-present). [5] Appropriate technology (AT) is technology that is designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social and economical aspects of the community it is intended for. With these goals in mind, AT typically requires fewer resources, is easier to maintain, has a Appropriate technology (AT) is technology that is designed with special consideration to the environmental, ethical, cultural, social and economical aspects of the community it is intended for. lower overall cost and less of an impact on the environment compared to industrialized practices. The term is usually used to describe simple technologies suitable for use in developing nationsor less developed ruralareas of industrialized nations. This form of appropriate technology usually prefers labor-intensivesolutions over capital-intensiveones, although labor-saving devices are also used where this does not mean high capital or maintenance cost. In practice, appropriate technology is often something described as using the simplest level of technology that can effectively achieve the intended purpose in a particular location. In industrialized nations, the term appropriate technology takes a different meaning, often referring to engineering that takes special consideration of its social and environmental ramifications. Platform technology is a term for technology that enables the creation of products and processes that support present or future development. [6] it establishes the long-term capabilities of research & development institutes. In pharmaceutical industry the platform technology is of great importance for easing the future research work. Suppose if a researcher formulates a new dosage form using a certain drug along with the optimized amount of exepients, then the same exepients can be used by other researchers, just changing the active ingredient and acquiring a new drug delivery dosage form. This would ensure less time and money being spent on finalizing the concentration, amount, type, etc of exepients used. Thus, more stress can be given on studies related to the active drug. For example, if a person formulates an Ophthalmic solution using certain polymers as expedients, then a platform technology can be established where-in other researchers can use the optimized polymers, and just change the active drug, leading to formulation of a whole new drug-dosage, with less money and time spent on the selection of the exepients. Thus, Platform technology creates a platform for the researchers to formulate new drug-dosages, without working much on the already optimized expedients. [6] Discussion: An analysis of the definitions and discussions above from Wikipedia, showed overlap in the terms, "low cost”, "low complexity or simplicity”, "labor intensive”, and "wide applicability”. In a broad sense, the term alternative technology is used mainly by environmentalist to designate technology that are "environment friendly”. Development or application of such technologies, would cause less damage to the environment than a conventional technology for the same purpose. The main characteristics of appropriate technology are "low cost” and suitability for the developing world or less developed rural areas of industrialized nations. They are more "labor intensive” and require substantial human input than their conventional equivalents. [5] Platform technologies are not necessary of "low cost” and "low complexity”, but they have "wide applicability” and may be used for the development of additional products without having to repeat essential and potentially expensive and time consuming steps, thereby creating grounds for cost and complexity reductions, in future technology development and applications. Biotech tropicana, Inc defines alternative technology as "user friendly” cutting edge techs that combine "automation” with simplicity and "low cost”, thereby reducing human input. [7] The automation concept to reduce labor intensiveness and error probability in results, by reducing human input is the main technology characteristic aimed at Biotech tropicana, Inc. As explained in wikipedia [5], appropriate technology "usually prefers labor-intensive solutions over capital-intensive ones, although labor-saving devices are also used where this does not mean high capital or maintenance cost”. Our main goal at Biotech tropicana, Inc is to eliminate this "preference” for "labor intensiveness” without creating high capital or maintenance cost. Wide applicability is also another technology characteristic aimed at Biotech tropicana, Inc. Therefore, technology development at Biotech tropicana, Inc relied on two basic approaches, a) development of widely applicable new technologies that are of "low cost” and of "low complexity and "automated”, b) adaptation of existing technologies to meet these characteristics. In defining alternative technology, Biotech tropicana, Inc borrows the "friendly” concept from environmentalists and expand it form environment to include human ("user friendly”). We borrow the "low cost” and "low complexity factors” from pioneers of appropriate technology, and expand it to eliminate the "labor intensive” characteristic for "automation”. We add the "wide applicability” characteristic of platform technologies to get technologies that are "user friendly’, "automated”, of "low cost”, and "low complexity”; and of "wide applicability”. Mohandas Gandhi advocated appropriate technology to help India’s villages become self-reliant and better fighters for their freedom against British. The British scientist Peter Harper, founder of the Centre for Alternative Technology, in North Wales, United Kingdom, followed Gandhi’s steps to help British fight pollution, and leave in a cleaner environment. Germany’s E. F. Schumacherfollowed Gandhi’s steps to help develop his village. According to Gandhi, technology should not be one that disenfranchises people, but should be used in a way that empowers people broadly. Gandhi rejected the factory model of industrialization, which valued production over the worker. Contrary to Gandhi, we at Biotech tropicana, Inc believe that industrialization is essential to sustain the growing human population on earth. We follow Gandhi’s step with respect to the appropriateness of alternative technologies for the developing world. At Biotech tropicana, Inc, we aim to demonstrate that the alternative technology concept may be taken to industry to increase production scale, and taken back to the poor communities to help them help themselves, improve their lives. Gandhi applied the alternative technology concept to help his "oppressed” people free themselves from the British "oppressors”. At Biotech tropicana, Inc, we aim to demonstrate that the alternative technology concept may be used to bring the developing world poor "aid recipients” and the developed word rich "aid donors” together, to fight poverty. Biotech tropicana, Inc is in the process of investigating the potential applications of alternative technologies, in the developing world poor communities. Conclusion: We propose Biotech tropicana, Inc definition of alternative technology: Alternative technology is a technology that is user friendly, automated, of low cost and low complexity, and with wide applicability. Acknowledgement: This work was supported with funds from Biotech tropicana Corporation References: 1. Wikipedia: Technology. Available at Accessed October 22, 2009. 2. Wikipedia: Alternative. Available at Accessed October 27, 2009. 3. Business dictionary: Alternative Technology. Available at Accessed October 27, 2009. 4. Wikipedia: Alternative Technology. Available at Accessed October 27, 2009. 5. Wikipedia: Appropriate Technology . Available at Accessed October 27, 2009. 6. Wikipedia: Platform Technology . Available at Accessed October 27, 2009. 7. Yari, A ; et al : SMARThivPack, A Complexity-free and Cost Effective "Three Tests” Combo Kit Model For Improving HIV Patients monitoring Standards In Resource-poor Settings. Bioinformation. (2007) 2:3;97-100 [PUBMED] | |
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